Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


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Go to => Creditors / Processes / Receivals / Enter Creditor Receivals  (Alt, C, P, E, E)

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Select <C> Create Receival.

If no purchase order has been created select <C> create with no linked order skip to step 8.


If a purchase order has been done select <O> Add a linked order.

You are in the Invoice Search window and need to select a purchase order.

In the Purchase Order field press F2 to search for the purchase order.


Search by typing in one of the following:

  • document number, creditor name, transaction date, order number or contact name.

Once the quote has been selected the Document selected information will now be populated.

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Press F9.

Select the relevant option from the Confirmation window.

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  • Yes – this will set each receival quantity to match the remaining purchase order quantity.

  • No – this will not set any quantity so you will need to enter in each quantity manually.

Fill out the Cart Note field and check that the Date matches the paperwork.

The Cart Note is the unique identifier for the paperwork i.e. delivery docket number or tax invoice number.

Check that Qty Purch Rcvd number matches what has been delivered. Make any corrections if required.

See the links below for additional information on loading actual quantities:

  • With a scanner

  • Manually

  • With a PDE - NOTE: to load data from the PDE scanner press Shift + F5 to bring up the download via menu.

Check that supplier priced invoiced costs under Unit Cost (Ex GST) and Line Cost (Ex GST) costs are correct for each product. Make any corrections if required.

Check the following totals fields are correct. If totals are not correct you will need to go back over the receival to locate the incorrect quantity or cost. 

Press F9 to save.

The confirmation window will appear. Select the correct option.

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  • Yes - If a tax invoice has been supplied

  • No - If only a delivery docket with no pricing has been supplied (this will complete the receival process)

In the Creditor Invoice Details window check that Invoice Number, Invoice Date and any other relevant information fields are correct.

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Press F9 to save

Ensure the correct options are selected in the Receival Report Options window. Click on the check box to select or un-select options.

  • <A> Show Discrepancies Only - will only show products where the received quantity is different to ordered quantity.

  • <B> Check for Cost Discrepancies - will only show product where the received costs are different to the ordered costs.

  • <C> Print Zero Received Lines - will show products not received.

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Press ENTER to print report


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See the additional features table at the bottom of this page for:

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Go to => Creditors / Processes / Receivals / Enter Creditor Receivals  (Alt, C, P, E, E)

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Select <E> Electronic Receival.

Select the invoice/s you wish to process in the Process column.

Press F9.

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Select either yes or no in the confirmation window.

  • Yes – Will use the quantities in the electronic invoice.

  • No – You will need to manually enter the quantities.

 NOTE: to load data from the PDE scanner press Shift + F5 to bring up the download via menu.

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The following pop up will appear if there is a variation in cost between the invoice and your systems costs 

  • <A>Update Costs and prices for.... - Brings up a new window where you can review the new costs and recalculated prices

  • <B>Update Costs only for.... - Keeps the retail price the same but will update the costs to match the invoice. (This will recalculate your mark up).

  • <C>No Update - No changes will be made.

  • <D>Apply to All -This will apply option A, B, or C to the rest of the invoice/s if selected. You need to mark the check box on the right then select option A, B or C.

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The Qty on Ext Inv column has been added to the Creditor Receivals window. This will help you match the invoiced totals with actual received totals.

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Press F9 to save.

In the Creditor Invoice Details window check that Invoice Number, Invoice Date and any other relevant information fields are correct.

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Press F9 to save

Ensure the correct options are selected in the Receival Report Options window. Click on the check box to select or un-select options

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  • <A> Show Discrepancies Only - will only show products where the received quantity is different to ordered quantity.

  • <B> Check for Cost Discrepancies - will only show product where the received costs are different to the ordered costs.

  • <C> Print Zero Received Lines - will show products not received.

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Press ENTER to print report


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Go to => Creditors / Processes / Receivals / Enter Creditor Receivals  (Alt, C, P, E, E)

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Select <R> Reverse Receival.

Select <A> From a Receival.


Select <B> Without a receival and skip to Step 6

You are in the Invoice Search window and need to select a receival.

In the Receival field press F2 to search for the receival.


Search by typing in one of the following:

  • document number, creditor name, transaction date, order number or contact name.

Once the receival has been selected the Document selected information will now be populated.

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Press F9

Select the relevant option form the confirmation window.

  • Yes - puts the quantities that were originally on the receival as negatives

  • No - leaves the quantities as zero

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In the Qty Purc Rcvd field enter the quantities of the product you wish to reverse.

If you have selected <B> Without a Receival in step 3 your Creditor receival window will be blank. You will need to search for and select the item. See Loading Quantities below.

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Press F9

Creditor Receivals#Back to top



How it works

Orange cells in Unit Cost column

Orange Cells
Orange Cells
This means that this product has purchase quantity breaks on it. i.e. a discount is given when more items are purchased. Hover the mouse over the cell to show details for that item.

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Column Sorting

Column Sorting
Column Sorting
You can sort each column by pressing the column heading. A small yellow sorting icon will appear ( top left of cell )

You can also hold down shift and select more than one column to sort

Image & Check Box

Image Box
Image Box
If the product has an image in the system, an image of the product will be shown. This will only happen If you have big enough screen. You can un-check the image box if you wish. 

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Creditor Receivals#Back to top


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Click anywhere in the stock column

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Scan the item

This will take you to the quantity column of that product, to make changes if required.

Repeat steps 1 to 3 for any additional items.

Press F9.


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Click in the Stock Column type the supplier or warehouse part number and press ENTER

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This will take you to the qty column of that product, to make changes if required.

Repeat steps 1 & 2 for any additional items.

Press F9.


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Press Shift + F5 to bring up the Download via menu

Select the relevant option

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Creditor Receivals#Back to top
