Striven HELP

Queue labels from the pending queue

Sometimes you may need to queue labels for all products that are in the Pending Queue.

This is helpful if you accidently removed / cleared labels and you need them back again.

This process works great as long as the items are still waiting in the pending queue.


Queue Labels from Pending Queue

Queue Labels from Pending Queue


Load up the Enter Stock Labels window by searching for Labels in the main Striven screen.

Search for Labels



When in the Label window, hold down the CONTROL button and press F10 - Q From Pending.


CONTROL + F10 - Q From Pending



This will load up the Queue from Pending window.

NOTE: Sometimes this window “HIDES” behind the label screen. Just check on the toolbar and look for “Create Labels from Pending” and click on it down there.



When the Create Labels from Pending window appears do the following.

If you want to queue a label for ALL products in the Pending window, leave the Update Code blank.

But if there is only a particular set of products from an Update Code, press F2 and select the appropriate Update Code.

Press F9 - Run to load the labels.


In this example, I selected the BREMICK update code, then pressed F9.

It will tell you how many labels were queued



If you feel there should have been more labels, ensure that the Shelf Label Code is set correctly on the products that were in the pending queue. And you have set the Shelf Label Print to Yes.