Striven HELP

Print Stock Valuation Summary Report

Run the Stock Valuation Summary report to show your current stock valuation.  This is essential for your end of year reporting.

Print Stock Valuation Summary Report

Print Stock Valuation Summary Report


Go to => Stock / Reports / General Reports, Print Stock Valuation Summary


Review the Quantity On Hand options that best suits your needs.

Striven recommends you print it with Positive Only.

But on a monthly basis print this report with Negative Only and review those products.  Refer to this document.

The “Average Cost” option is the best total to give to your accountant, as that is the “average” value of all the stock in your system. (This is the default value in Value 1 (Ex. GST))

As if you purchased 10 “Hammers” for $10.00 each. Then purchased another load of 5 “Hammers” for $15.00 each. When the customer purchased the hammer you dont know if he picked up the “Hammer” that cost you $10.00 or $15.00. That is why the “Average” cost is the best cost to use when you want to know the value of the stock in your store.


Press F4 - Set Range to filter the range of products you wish to show if required.


Press F9 - Run to view the report.