Striven HELP

Close a Purchase Order

A purchase order can be manually closed one at a time by following this procedure.

Closing an order will mark it as Cancelled and will remove any Quantities on Order for any products left.

If you wish to close multiple orders, it is best to read this document: Close multiple Purchase Orders before a selected date




Load up Purchase Order entry (Creditors, Processes, Orders, Enter Creditor Orders).

Striven Menu

A - Open an existing order. 

Purchase Order menu



Enter in the order number or search for the order by typing in the Supplier Name.


Press F9 to load the Purchase Order.


Once the order loads, hold down CONTROL and press F9

Click on Close Order button.


Select C - Store.

(It makes no difference which one is selected, but choose B - Supplier if the order was cancelled by the Supplier, or C - Store if cancelled by the store.