Striven HELP

Clear Stock On Hand Figures

Run this process to clear your Stock On Hand Figures.

This process should only be run by an Administrator.

Really should only be run before a Stocktake is about to be run.

Follow these instructions for the basic steps on how to clear the Stock On Hand figures

Clear Stock On Hand Figures

Clear Stock On Hand Figures


Go to => Stock / Processes / Stocktakes / Clear Stock On Hand Figures


Press F4 - Set Range to filter the range of products that are going to be cleared.


Leave the Report Only = Yes to view the report only.  This process will not touch your on hand figures yet.


Press F9 - Run to view the items it is going to clear.


If you get an Error message saying that you have Stock takes that are still active, it is important to finalise these before continuing.  If you need assistance with this please contact Striven support.


Yes to continue


A report is shown giving a value of the amount of Stock that will be cleared.


Once you are 100% sure you wish to clear this value, rerun this report with Report Only = No.

This process will now clear your On Hand figures.

After F9 - Run is pressed, it will ask for a supervisor override to continue.

It is a good idea to run this process on the Server and to close the Server Processor.

This process could take some time.  It is best to run it after hours.

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