Striven HELP

End of Financial Year Reports

The following reports are on this page

Stock Valuation Report

The Stock Valuation Report can be run to show your current Stock Valuation.

Run this report weekly to identify negative stock levels. It will show when you have sold more of an item, than you actually have in stock. Stock Valuation summary should be monitored on a weekly basis to keep appropriate stock levels.

For End of Financial Year reporting we would recommend that you run this report at the end of trading on the 30th June.

To run this report:

End of Financial Year Reports#Back to top

Debtor Trial Balance with Sales Figures

Print your Trial Balance report to see what your total owing is at the end of the financial year.  You can also print month to date and year to date sales which may be helpful.

Run this report regularly to monitor the amount of money you are owed.

To run this report:


Go to => Debtors / Reports / General Reports / Print Debtor Trail Balance (Alt, D, R, G, T)


The Debtor Trial Balance window will appear.


Select the Month and relevant Display Options  


Hit F9 to generate the report.

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Sales Report by Department

This report prints last year's sales by Department, and it is also shows your GST totals.

To run this report:


Go to => Management / Sales Summaries / Reports / Monthly / Print Monthly Department Sales Summary (Alt, M, S, R, P)


The Monthly Department Sales Summary Report window will appear


Fill in the Month from and Month to range for the period required


Ensure that Group Breakdown is set to No


Hit F9 to generate the report

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Purchase Report by Department

This report shows what each department has purchased. It helps determine the cost of goods sold.

To run this report:


Go to => Management / Purchase Summaries / Reports / Print Monthly Department Purchases Summary. (Alt, M,P, R, P)


The Monthly Department Purchase Summary Report window will appear


Fill in the Month from and Month to range for the period required


Hit F9 to generate the report.

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