Striven HELP

Wageloch Integration Setup

Follow these instructions to setup the Wageloch integration with Striven.

The store will need to contact Wageloch support on to let them know they want the Striven to Wageloch integration setup.

Wageloch will manage the rest of the process from there.

  1. Store contacts Wageloch and gives us authority by email ( for Striven to push sales figures into the store’s Wageloch data

  2. Wageloch contacts Striven and lets them know the “Store Code” that they will need to use for that store


 Once you get the “Store Code” then do the following on their server.




In Striven, load up the Sales Data Export by searching for it in the menu.



Select Wageloch as the Export Type.

Enter in the Site Code (this is retrieved from Wageloch).

Click on the Set Keys button



Enter in the following details:

API: {the first edit}


API Secret: {the second edit}


Click on Save Keys button



Ensure that the Export Hourly Sales and Export Hourly GP are ticked



Test this for 1 day by putting the required date range in, and pressing F9 to Export.

The Export Directory is only needed if you require to see a log of the information that was sent to the API. If not testing then leave the Export Directory blank.

To get this process to run automatically each night, create a scheduled tasks that has:







Technical Information from:

SalesDataExport.exe /?