Striven HELP


Striven can handle promotions which is a great way to quickly set discounts on different ranges of products.



Create / Update Promotion


Create / Update Promotion

Create / Update Promotion


Create the promotion in the Enter Promotion Codes and Lines.

The easiest way of finding this is to search for PROMO in the Striven menu, then click on Enter Stock Promotion Codes and Lines

Promotion Search



To create a new promotion press F5 - New.

Otherwise search for a promotion or press F2 to view the list of available promotions.

Enter in the following fields:

Promotion Code


Alpha Sort By

The Description will appear as a text note on your customers dockets


In the main area of this screen enter in the starting and ending dates of when this promotion should be active.

Start Date

End Date

You can also put in Start and End Times if you like. Such as a “1 hour sale”.





There are different ways of adding products to this promotion:

  • Individual products. Use the Products tab for this.

  • All products in a specific Departments, Group, Fineline range. Use the Fineline tab for this.

  • Being particular in filtering down to specific fields in your product file such as by Description, Bin Location, Supplier. Use the Advanced tab for this.


Products Tab - Add specific products

Use the Products tab to add specific products and pricing per product.

Products Tab

Products Tab


Click on the Products tab, and add each product into this list.

The easiest way is to just type in the product into the Stock from Stock file field.



It will default to a Discount Type of Fixed Price.

If you need it to be a Percentage Off, then change the discount type.

Then enter in the price you wish this promotion to use in the Promo Sale Inc GST field.

Keep doing this process for each product.

Press F9 to save the products.


Finelines - Discounts by specific Department, Group, Fineline

Use the Finelines tab to add specific discounts by a Department, Group or Fineline

Finelines tab

Finelines tab


Click on the Finelines tab to create a promotion discount based on the products Department, Group and fineline.

Press F10 - Add Grid Line to add a new line to the list.

Here is a sample where the system is giving 10% off any product in Department 1, but 5% off any product in department 2.

Press F9 to save.


Advanced tab - Specific filtering

Use the Advanced tab to create different pricing ranges based on specific fields on the product.

Advanced Tab

Advanced Tab


Click on the Advanced tab, and add different ways of filtering your products and applying different pricing based on those filters.

Click on the red arrow to create a new Filter.

Then double click on the Filter Desc cell to load up the Filter window.

Add a filter by selecting it from the list.



Example 1

Give 50% discount to all products that have VEXA in the description.

Add a filter where the Description has a “Word Match” of VEXA.

Apply a discount to that filter match.




The promotion will normally take effect immediately. But sometimes it is best to go out of POS and back in again for it to refresh if you have just created it.


Promotion Labels

To print labels that show the Promotion price on them follow these instructions:


Activate IHG Promotions

If you are an IHG store, the monthly promotions/catalogues are downloaded from IHG every morning.

To import and activate one of these promotions, go to Stock → Updates → Collect/Process Updates:

You should now see a list of downloaded promotions from IHG.

Simply tick the ones that you want to activate and hit the F9 - Import button.