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HOW TO Import Supplier Product / Price File

Use these instructions to load in a Standard Supplier Product / Price excel file.



How To Video

Follow this link to view a video of this process

View Load Supplier File How To Video


Sample Template

The following attachment is a sample template that could be used to load your suppliers product information into, then load this into the Supplier import screen following the instructions below.


Key Words

Nett: EX GST Cost each

List Price: Recommend Retail Pricing (RRP) if its ex gst you will need to x it by 1.1

MOQ: Minimum order QTY

Item: Supplier part number

Import Process


Log into Striven, and click on Utilities, Imports, Supplier Catalogue Import, Load Standard Layout from file.


Select the Import Code you want to load on the left hand side.

If you can not see the Import Code (or Supplier) on the left side, you need to create a new Import Code. Follow the instructions here to create an Import Code.


Type in the path of the Excel spreadsheet or click on the F2 button on Excel File Name and search for the spreadsheet that has the fields shown in the template attachment above.

Click on Open


To check the file contents, click on the Check Data… button.

This will ensure that all columns are formatted correctly.


If you receive a message like the following, its telling you that there is something not in the expected format.

In the following example its showing as an error, as they are heading details and wont be imported in.

or this message,

All that needs to be done, is to change the

Start at Row field from Row 0 to Row 3, as that is where the real data begins.


Ensure that you have set ALL fields as expected by scrolling down and checking each line.

You MUST have the following before the file will be loaded into Striven

  • A barcode

  • A Supplier Part No

  • A Description

  • A Cost Ex



Please Note: Striven would prefer to that you load in all items with a Barcode in the second column, but sometimes this isn’t possible for some suppliers. 

If this is the case, you can leave the Barcode column blank but you MUST have a Supplier Part No in the 1st column.

The program will do the following if the Barcode field is blank:

 Will try to match the product in the Catalogue by using the Supplier Code and the Suppliers Part No.


When you are happy to load in the file, just press F9 – Load File.


It will check the spreadsheet, and if everything is valid it will double check you are happy to load in from the spreadsheet listed.

If you don't get the above message, change the Start Row to 2


New Products Report

If there were any new products added, it will prompt to print a New Products added report.  Here is a sample:

Close the Preview.


After the load, the following message is displayed to ask if you want the system to check for items that weren't in this spreadsheet but were in your catalog.  This is handy so you can set these other items to Inactive or check barcodes.


If there are any products, a spreadsheet is displayed for your review.

This can be loaded back in through the Catalogue Import facility.  Details on how this is done can be found here..


Barcode Updated Report

The following report is shown if there were any Barcodes that got updated in this import. 

It has moved the OLD Barcode to be an Alternate Barcode on that product.

Import Options

Following are details about the options available on this window.

Set Price1 to Supplier RRP and Recalc Markup

Use this option if you have a Supplier RRP in this spreadsheet and want the system to use this price instead of an automatically calculated one.  If this item already exists in the Catalogue, it will recalculate the Markup% on the Cost and Price1. 

If the Supplier RRP is $0.00, it will just recalculate the Price1 on the Cost and Markup%.

Update existing Catalogue Item with this Import Code

Use this option if you want to move an existing item from a different Import Code to this one.  This is handy if you don’t want to have multiple items in the catalogue with the same barcode and other details. 

For example, you may have had a product in the Catalogue for years which hasn’t been updated but now you want to update it. Tick this box to use the base of what was there, and it will just update this item with your new values from the spreadsheet and assign it to this Import Code from now on.

If this is not selected, and you load in a barcode but it already exists in the Catalogue with a different Import Code, it will create it again.

This will mean that if you copy it from the Catalogue, it will prompt you with a window like this:

Update Fixed Priced Items to be Markup

Use this option if you had old items with a Pricing Type of FIXED, and wish to now use the Markup pricing type logic.  It will recalculate the product with the new default markup%

Use Cost Markup Defaults for

-      Only New Products Created {will not recalculate Markup % for existing products}

-      All Products Loaded {will recalculate ALL items loaded with the Default COST Markup table}

This option is handy if you have setup a Cost Markup table that can automatically determine which Markup % to use based on what cost is loaded into the system.

If you want to review the Cost Markup Defaults, just click on the F4 button

near the bottom.

Refer to here for more information.


Price Recalculation


 Recalc Price1 using New Cost and existing Markup

Use this option if you want the system to recalculate the items Price1 to use the NEW COST and the Existing Markup that was on the item.

 Don’t Recalc Price1

Use this option to NOT TOUCH the Price1, but it will update the Replacement Cost on that item only, and not touch the Markup%

Update Column Options

Tick or Untick any column you don’t wish to update.  When you untick an option it will show this column in YELLOW and wont be loaded into the Catalogue at all.

Update Description

Updates the description.  Note: if this option is UNTICKED, but the Description in the Catalogue is BLANK, it will be updated.

Update AlphaSort from Description

If ticked it will change the AlphaSort field to have NO SPACES from the Description field.

Update Cost

If ticked, it will update the Replacement Cost.

Update Brand

Updates Brand.  If this Brand doesn’t exist it will create the Brand.

Update Size

If ticked, it creates a SIZE attrib which can be found in the General/Attr tab.  This can be used for Reports.

Create Import Code

Follow these instructions if you need to create a new Import Code. An Import Code is a way of saving particular settings per Supplier and being able to use this next time.

Create Import Code

Create Import Code


Click on New Import Code… button



Enter in the following information:

Import Code: Enter in a name for this import code. Normally this would be the supplier name

Supplier: Enter in the Supplier Name that you wish to link all these products to.

Always Use Catalogue Markup: Yes/No <<More details to come>>

Use Catalogue Warehouse Number when item copied to Stock File. << More details to come>>

Press F9 to create Import Code.



When the Catalog Stock Defaults window appears, click on the Import Code you just create on the left side, then fill in the “Defaults” that would be used for any NEW products that get created into the Catalogue.

Important settings to change:

Department: <<Set the default department for the system to use for any NEW products that are created in the Catalogue>>


Click on the Pricing tab.

Sometimes you may want the system to just recalculate the Retail Price based on a default markup percent. Enter that default markup percent in the Markup Percent field.

Press F9 to save.

Click on OK to continue.



Ensure that when it returns you back to the Load Supplier Product file, you select the new Import Code you just created before loading in the Excel file.



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