Striven HELP

Print and Email Debtor Balance Brought Forward Statements

Print and Email Debtor Balance Brought Forward Statements#F4DebtorFollow this procedure to print and/or email your debtor balance brought forward statements.

Balance Brought Forward Statements - are statements that show all transactions that occurred this month and will show only the balances of anything else outstanding.

Open Item Statements - are statements that show ALL transactions that have not yet been fully paid off.  So this statement type could show details of transactions from several months ago as well as transactions from this month. 

To print Open Item statements, follow these instructions.

Debtors can be set to either print Open Item or Balance Brought forward statements.  To set this setting follow these instructions.

Automatic Emailing

This process will only email debtors where they have the Statements marked to be sent by Email.

To find this setting in the Debtor maintenance, please ensure you follow these instructions for each of your debtors.


Select Debtors, Reports, Transaction Reports, Print Debtor Balance Brought Forward Statements.


Ensure you select the correct month.  It will default to the previous month.


Fill in special notes in the notes area, such as your Direct Deposit details.

These appear on the first page of each statement.

These are remembered each month so you dont have to re-enter this information.


To print and email statements, ensure that the Obey Delivery method is set to Yes.

If Obey Delivery Method is No, it will only Print/Preview these statements.

Please ensure you read the "Recommended Statement Emailing Routing" process below before setting this to Yes and pressing F9 to run.


Press F9 to Print/Email statements

F4 - Set Range

If you wish to only print 1 debtor or a range of debtors, press F4 - Set Range and review these instructions.

Recommended Statement Emailing Routine

Striven recommends that you follow this procedure each month when printing your statements.  This procedure will ensure you don’t accidentally email out the incorrect month statements and also ensure you don’t email out any statements that may have an issue.


Points to check before running statements:

-      Ensure the Month is set correctly.

-      Ensure the Notes are relevant for this month’s statements.

If you have some debtors who are setup to receive their statements via email, we strongly recommend you “Preview” all statements first and check the last page of the statement run.  This last page will alert any issues that may need to be addressed before the statements are emailed.

-      After checking the Month and notes, set the Obey Delivery Method to No.

-      Press F9, then P – Preview.

-      Skim through some statements and ensure the transactions look alright.

-      Go to the last page and ensure there are no Errors displayed.  If there are, please ring Striven on 1300 13 74 76 and get these issues corrected before continuing any further.

If there are no errors on the last page, close the Preview.

Now we will set the Obey Delivery Method to Yes, which will mean it will Print all debtors that are NOT set to send via email and will email all debtors who are set to email.

-      Set the Obey Delivery Method to Yes.

-      Press F9, then Print or Preview  {this will only print debtors who are not getting their statement emailed}

-      It will prompt confirming that you wish to email your statements.

-      If this was Previewed, the emailing won’t occur until you have closed the Preview, then you will see it creating “Pages” at the bottom of the screen for a little while.  This is the system building the statements for email.  Just let it do this process.

-      After that has finished you will be prompted to Print/Preview.

-      This is a full listing of all Debtors who have had their statement emailed.