Striven HELP

How To Stock Entry

Stock Entry Video How - To

or view in YouTube: Striven - Basic Stock Entry

This page will take you through the process of creating a new Stock item.

New Stock Entry

New Stock Entry


Go to => Stock / Entry / Enter Stock  (Alt, S, E, E)


The Stock Details Entry screen will appear. Press F5.


A Create New Record window appears. Select A - Auto create new code


Ensure Quick Entry is highlighted on the right hand side of the screen


Fill out the Code section


C:- Description: Fill in the description of the item.

D:- Type: Use the default “Normal Stock Item”. For more information about the Stock Types, click here: Stock Types

E:- Bar code: Scan the bar code of the new product.

F:- Status: Use the default Active



Catalogue Group

A:- Department: Press F2 and select Department Code relevant for new product or select letter on left of screen. Then ENTER.

B:- Group: Press F2 and select Department Description relevant for new product or select letter on left of screen. Then ENTER three times

NOTE: Ensure Fineline and Sub Fineline are blank.

C:- Brand: Press F2 and select Brand relevant for new product or select letter on left of screen, then ENTER three times.

NOTE: Ensure Model and Main Bin are blank.


Fill out the Supplier/Creditor section.


A:- Supplier: Press F2 and select Supplier relevant for new product or select letter on left of screen, then ENTER.

B:- Creditor: Press F2 and select Supplier relevant for new product or select letter on left of screen, then ENTER.

C:- Supp Part No.: Type the Part Number, then ENTER.

D:- W/H Part No.: If the product is distributed from the warehouse then enter the relevant Warehouse Part Number, then ENTER to next line.

E:- Origin: Press F2 and select relevant place of purchase, then ENTER.

F:- Lead Time: Leave blank unless product requires time for manufacturing, then ENTER.

G:- Multiples of Min: Accept Yes as standard (this is only required when an item is purchased in carton lots), then ENTER.

H:- Min: Set Minimum quantity for a store to carry, then ENTER.

I:- Max: Set Maximum quantity for a store to carry, then ENTER.

J:- Break Packs: Accept Yes as standard, then ENTER

NOTE: Break Packs is only required when an item is purchased in carton lots.


Fill out the List Price Details section.


A:- List Table Code: leave blank & ENTER.

B:- List Cost: Leave blank and ENTER twice (1st is for GST Exclusive, 2nd is GST Inclusive).


Fill out the Costs section.


A:- Landed Cost: Leave Blank, then ENTER.

B:- Replacement: Enter current buy price excluding GST, then ENTER twice.


Fill out the Cost Details section.


A:- Cost for Pricing: Press F2 and arrow down to the rule the store uses, then ENTER.

B:- Purchase: Press F2 and arrow down to the line required (this should always be A GST), then ENTER.

C:- Sale: Press F2 and arrow down to the line required (this should always be A GST), then ENTER.

D:- Sales Unit: This should always be 1, then ENTER to next line, Press F2 in this field and select the unit of measure, then ENTER.

E:- Purchase Unit: This should be 1 unless item is purchased in box lots, then ENTER to next line, Press F2 in this field and select the unit of measure, then ENTER.


Fill out the Pricing section.


A:- Pricing Type: Press F2 and select the relevant option (Mark Up is standard), then ENTER.

B:- Fixed: Press F2 and select the relevant option (NO is standard), then ENTER.

C:- Rounding: Press F2 and select the relevant option (Standard Rounding is standard), then ENTER.

D:- Retail (Sell Inc): Enter the Retail Price (inclusive of GST), then ENTER.

E:- Supplier RRP: Enter the supplier recommended retail price if know, then ENTER.

F:- Markup Type: Press F2 and select the relevant option (Standard Mark Up Type is standard), then ENTER.

G:- Markup Percentage: ENTER to next line (The system will work this out).


Fill out the Discounts section.


A:- Discounts Allowed: Press F2 and select the relevant option (Allow any Discounts is standard), then ENTER. View additional information here.

B:- Max Disc Type: Press F2 and select an option (% is standard), then ENTER.

C:- Max Disc Allowed: This should be 100.00, then ENTER.


Fill out the Min/Max section.


A:- 1st Quarter: Press F2 and select the relevant option (the standard used is Entire Year), then ENTER to save.

B:- Minimum: This is used to set Minimum quantity for a store to carry, then ENTER.

C:- Maximum: This is used to set Maximum quantity for a store to carry, then ENTER.


You are now in the Costs Tab. Press F4 to calculate all discount pricing levels.


On the right side of the screen use the mouse and click on Pricing


On the pricing screen press F9 to save the new product into the POS system


On the right side of the screen use the mouse and click on Supp/Creditor.


Ensure Supplier & Creditor details are correct (If any changes made press F9 to save) and Press F12 to exit and return to main screen.

You can print out the necessary fields by downloading this PDF.


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