Striven HELP

Comparison Report

This report compares the warehouse stock file (Catalog) to the local store stock file.

It identifies changes to stock and then updates the information accordingly.

This process should be run fortnightly at least to ensure your costs are matching what your supplier has.

Benefits of running the comparison report

  • Updates all products that might be in a group instead of just updating “1” product that may be similar to other items. They all should have consistent pricing

  • Ensures that the next time you order a product it shows the correct costs

  • The Comparison Report has been proven to increase your GP% by at least 1%. This has come from a number of stores.

  • Ensures that you have any new barcodes, supplier part numbers that may have changed

  • It will update the Suggested RRP that is shown in Striven. This saves you time as you then dont have to refer back to Gus for the Suggested RRP.

  • We would recommend implementing a “Rounding Table” to ensure it cuts down on the number of labels printed for a 1 or 2 cent cost change




What if I purchase an item DIRECT from a supplier? I don't want it to change any details

The comparison report will only change the Cost and/or Retail if the product has been set as a “Main Supplier”. If your main supplier is a Direct supplier, it will only create an additional Supplier line from the Warehouse for information purposes only.

I don't want to use the RRP that the warehouse suggests. I have a competitor down the road and I need to keep a lower margin that what the warehouse suggests

By default the program will update the Cost of the item, then keep your existing Markup and recalculate the Retail price.

I want the system to set my Retail price to be Warehouses RRP for selected lines

Just change the “Pricing Type” to Suggested RRP on the stock screen. From then on the system will always keep YOUR retail price to be whatever has been suggested by the warehouse. This is handy for products like Weber where you need to use the RRP all the time. This is a huge time saver.

How often should I run the comparison report?

The Comparison Report should be run weekly the day before you do you large warehouse order. This will ensure the costs that are on the warehouse order are correct and you can budget correctly.


There is a video of a training session below these steps if you would prefer to watch that first.




Comparison Report

Comparison Report


Go to=> Stock / Comparison Report (Alt, A, M)


Ensure Transfer Changes is set to No. To review the report first, then change to Yes when you are happy with what it will transfer.

In the Report Type selection, select the Supplier you wish to load. It will remember this option if you have Remember Selection ticked

Comparison Report



You have the option of un-checking any reports that aren’t necessary and re-running the report.

On the Mitre 10 / IHG / Danks report, it will look like the following, other supplier may look a little different

The standard reports would be to tick everything other than:

  • New Products in warehouse not in stock file

  • New Products maintained as Agency not in stock file

  • Changes to Description



Press F9 to run the report.


Review the report to ensure that suggested changes are correct.

It groups the report into each section you selected above.

The first line in bold is the Catalogue details, the second line is the Stock details.



Once you are happy with the content of the report then select YES in the transfer changes field and run the report again. (Step 3)

Review the Label and Pending options depending on what you wish to do.



Once the Comparison Report has been run, continue with the next steps:


Products that are in the Warehouse, but you wish to purchase them direct from Supplier and not receive any cost / product updates

If there are items that you get a better deal buying direct from a supplier you can flick the Origin to CHARGEBACK and the Comparison Report wont update the Cost or any other details on that product.

In this example below, I can order the product direct from Bremick as it has a better deal buying direct than from the warehouse.

I still want the Invoice to come from IHG, but I dont want any Cost updates on that line.

Set the Origin to CHARGEBACK, and the system wont touch that Main Supplier line when the Comparison Report is run.

When the Comparison Report is run, it will only update the Warehouse line, and wont touch the Chargeback line, which is my main supplier line.

It only updated the Warehouse line with the new Cost, not the Chargeback line.



Training session video can be viewed below:



First time Comparison Report

If you have never run the comparison report, we suggest you follow these steps.

We suggest to just run the comparison report for a range of products, like a Department. The steps to run the comparison report by department are shown below.





Run the comparison report with the default settings ticked.


Transfer Changes = No


Press F4 - Set Range

Sort Order: Q - Dept + Group + Fineline + Subfineline



Enter in a Department from and to.

Press F9 to return to the comparison report.


Press F9 to run the report and preview


When the preview is shown skim through some pages to see what it would change.

Note: the BOLD lines are what is in the CATALOGUE, and the line under that are the details in your STOCK file.


Close the preview.

If happy to continue, now change the

Transfer Changes to Yes.

Queue Labels is Yes

Price Changes to Pending is Yes

F9 and run the report again.

This will now make the changes and send the price changes to Pending / Labels





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