Striven HELP

Debtor Audit Report

Use this report to view a complete listing of transactions for a period of time in Date & Time order.

If sending this to a customer ensure you change the option to Show Cost/Profit details = No


Go to => Debtors, Reports, Transaction Reports, Print Audit Report


Enter in the date range required in the Date From and Date To fields.


Make sure select Show Cost/Profit Details to be NO as this won't send the profit details to the customer.

If you are wishing to see all transactions for particular Station ensure you enter in the Station number in the Station from and to fields.

If you don't wish to see all products on each transaction change the "Show Transaction Lines" to No.


If wishing to run this report for 1 customer, press F4 - Set Range button.




The change to U - Debtor Code and enter in the required debtor.