Striven HELP

Unit of Measure Prompting in POS

Striven allows users to setup automatic Unit of Measure selling in POS giving the ability to setup one stock item, but be able to quickly sell either the Unit, Pack or Box.

Striven can also print these labels so customers can clearly see the "Box" price which may entice them to purchase a "Box" instead of lots of "each" items.

An example of how it looks in POS is shown below:

An example of how the UOM Label prints is shown below:

Setting up a product to have Unit of Measure Prompting

Setting up a product to have UOM prompting

Setting up a product to have UOM prompting


Load up the Stock Maintenance window (Stock, Entry, Enter Stock), and find the product you wish to add the UOM functionality to.


Click on the Units tab, then click on the grid at the bottom. Then press F10 - Add Line to create a new line.


Ensure the following is set:

You can enter as many “UOM” lines in here you wish; such as a BOX, PALLET…

 In POS when the “Barcode” was scanned, it automatically set the Quantity to 25.

Setting up discounts for the Unit of Measure products

You can setup the discounts for the UOM lines by clicking on the Sales Qty Brks tab in Stock Maintenance.

Setting up Sales Quantity Breaks

Setting up Sales Quantity Breaks


Load up the Stock Maintenance window (Stock, Entry, Enter Stock), and find the product you wish to add the Sales Quantity Price Discounts to.


Click on the Sales Qty Brks tab in Stock Maintenance. If you need to create a new discount line, click on the grid then press F10 - Add line.


If you change the following it will give the discount on “multiples” of 25.  Meaning that you only want to give the discount to the customer if they purchase this item in a BOX.


POS will now give the discount when the UOM barcode is scanned.

UOM Labels

You can print special labels which will show the customer the price for the “EACH” and the price for “BOX” {for example}.

How to print Unit of Measure Labels

How to print Unit of Measure Labels


Load up the Label queue window by clicking on Stock, Processes, Labels, Enter Stock Labels.


If you wish to queue a label at a time, click on Manual Entry, set the Label Code to SHELFA4 and enter in the Stock item required.

Ensure you set the "Print UOM Labels" to Yes. Then print as normal.

The "Print UOM Labels" option is shown on the Label Queue, PDE Downloads and Manual Entry tabs.


A normal label will be printed as well as a Unit of Measure label.

Alert Sound

 Whenever the UOM Prompt at POS is activated a select “POS Sound” can be set to alert the user that there is a prompt on the screen. 

The POS Sound is setup in the POS Settings, Sounds tab.

The sound will only be heard if you have a speaker setup on the POS station.

Setup of the POS Sounds

Setup of the POS Sounds


Load get to POS Settings, click on the POS menu, then POS Settings.

This is a setting for each station. So it is best to do these changes on each station.


Click on the Sounds tab.

Change the sound file in UOM Prompt.


Press F9 to Save.

Issue with the items not appearing in POS under their alternate price.


Issue with the items not appearing in POS under their alternate price.


Open POS settings → POS Display tab and in the POS UOM Display

Ensure POS UOM is set to Enabled with Prompt, and the others are set to No.





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